Demystifying learning support in the Belgian education landscape 23/02/2024

Engelstalige webinar over leerondersteuning in Franstalige en Nederlandstalige onderwijsgemeenschappen voor zowel het lager als het secundair onderwijs op school of zelfstudie.

23/02/2024 12u-13u30 online

Aangeboden door ADHD, ASC & LD Belgium en d-teach online learning.

Details en inschrijving:

What you will learn:

– The Francophone and Flemish educational communities approach to learning support in school and for homeschooled pupils

– What implementation looks like in both the primary and secondary cycles for neurodiverse pupils (diagnosed or suspected)

– The role of the PMS/CLB, the School management and the parents

– How to navigate selecting a school for a diagnosed neurodiverse pupil in school

– Understanding resources available for neurodiverse pupils who are being homeschooled

– Opportunities to use digital tools/aids in school or during exams

– How to search for available support outside of school

– Understanding the ‘type’ schools specialized for specific diagnosis

– Opportunities and options after completing the compulsory education period